ТЮЗ г. Темиртау
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Multimedia park «Hello Park»

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Мультимедийный парк «Hello Park»Venue: Dushanbe, 5th passage of Negmat Karabayev, house 5, Multimedia park "Hello Park"

Opening hours: Daily from 10:00 to 22:00. Seven days a week.

Parking: Yes, free.

Age limit: from 1 to 16 years

Duration: Unlimited

• Please note that the weekend rate is valid on holidays.
• Children under 4 years old visit the park with mandatory adult accompaniment, one accompanying person visits the park for free, additional accompanying persons visit the park by purchasing a ticket.
• To visit Hello Park, you need to take cotton socks with you. But if you forget them, it's okay, socks can be purchased at a souvenir shop. Replacement shoes are not used in the park. All guests of the park visit in socks to ensure cleanliness and comfort.