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ОппенгеймерYear of release: 2023

Country of manufacture: UK, USA

Distributor: Sulpak Cinema

Directors: Christopher Nolan

Actors: Cillian Murphy, Jason Pfister, Florence Pugh, Robert Downey Jr., Emily Blunt, David Kramholz

Genre: Drama/Biography/History

Duration: 180 minutes

Age restriction: 16+

Premiere date: July 20, 2023



The film will demonstrate the life and experiences of nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer. Christopher Nolan's film will reveal the question of the scientist himself, his experiences and difficulties that he had to face on the way to developing a nuclear bomb. Oppenheimer faces ethical questions of the salvation or destruction of all mankind, questions of ambitions and life principles. In addition to the fact that the film touches on such deep issues, it also has a wonderful visual range and many will like it.