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Bekmambetov Cinema

Address: Almaty, 109 Abai avenue, Globus mixed-use complex.

Metro: Ala-Tau station.

Distance from the station: 580 meters.

Cash desk: 8(727) 356-98-78.

Entrance: from the side of Abai avenue.

Parking: at Abai Avenue, the intersection of Auezov street.

Canteen: in place.

Do you like to watch movies on a big screen with friends? Are you attracted to the atmosphere of the cinema? Do you like to focus on the film? Then you should visit the Bekmambetov Cinema, which is ideal for exploring films from around the world.


More than just a "typical" movie for viewing sessions!

Located in the center of Almaty (shown on the map below), in the shopping mall Globus, Bekmambetov 3D is not only a cozy room. It is equipped with modern technologies, with the help of which a unique atmosphere is created and the maximum immersion in the session takes place.

Nearby there is a delicious food court, with pleasant prices, where you can have a snack and a foyer for waiting with comfortable sofas.



The car owners will also be pleased: there is a parking lot on the territory belonging to the shop.

Coming here, you'll find yourself in a mini-plex with four rooms with ergonomic seats. The chairs are set so that the people sitting below do not interfere with the observation of what is happening. There are special areas for people with disabilities.


All activities of Bekmambetov Cinema are aimed at the development of original cinema in Kazakhstan and support projects of social, creative and cultural nature.

In Bekmambetov Cinema cinema is constantly updated, so viewers will find the best in it:

  • blockbusters;
  • European tapes;
  • Russian paintings without translation into Russian.

You can view the schedule of the Bekmambetov Cinema and buy tickets online for any selected sessions at Ticketon.kz. Reservation and reservation service is not available at the moment.

Here you will find the announcement of the upcoming premieres, the current poster, find out the price of tickets and can pay for the place you like in several ways. The price of all Bekmambetov films depends on the time and category of the show.